

As a Web Application Engineer with a B.S in Artificial Intelligence Engineering, I’ve had the opportunity to work as a Backend Developer at Geeks for Geeks, focusing on building scalable and efficient web applications. My experience includes working with frameworks like Node.js, React, Next.js, Vue.js, Three.js, and NestJS, always striving to apply the best practices in development. With a strong foundation in data structures, algorithms, and AI-driven solutions, the goal is to solve technical challenges while continuously learning and improving. It’s always a pleasure to collaborate on projects that bring ideas to life in meaningful ways.

Full Stack Developer

Frontend Developer

Backend Developer

Problem Solving




What I have learnt so far


My work


These projects showcase my practical skills and experience, each with descriptions and links to code repositories and live demos. They demonstrate my ability to handle complex challenges, adapt to different technologies, and oversee projects from start to finish.



FinanceRan is a financial critical dashboard for admins built on the MERN stack. The dashboard allows admins to view and manage data from various financial platforms, and predict their income using Linear Regression









Funda Stream

Video Stream website build on tailwind css, rapid API paid features, which can orgranise the user need, sort the data as you want.






Comptitive Programming Platform

A platform for competitive programming, built on next.js, firebase, react-recoil to train student on solving coding problems with multiple data structures.







Chess Game Engine

This is a chess game made using the Three.js library and JavaScript. The game includes a 3D chessboard with realistic lighting and materials, move validation, and support for castling and en passant. The game also includes an AI opponent using the Stockfish chess engine






Admin API website

This is an special made Admin API Panel for the user own configuration, as it built to be dynamic to any supervisor built on Django, bootstrap







Mobile Device show case using 3d webgl technologies with threejs, nextjs with gsap motion over heavy styling using tailwindcss







Reservation System

A public system for reservation over multi categories with the easy to add, delete, update, your data, reserve or cancel your own data, very simple ui yet powerful under the hood, build using nextjs, nodejs, prisma ORM, mongoDB, google auth , cloudinary







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